SteriBench - Benchmarkingrunde für zentrale Sterilgutversorgungsabteilungen
Ansprechparter: Shiva Faeghinezhad
Entwicklung von fabrikplanerischen Leitprinzipien zur Planung von flussorientierten Krankenhäusern mit wandlungsfähigen Raum-, Technik- und Organisationskonzepten (MedFAP)
Anprechpartner: Shiva Faeghinezhad

Reduction of infections in hospitals through numerical fluid mechanics
Contact person: Shiva Faeghinzhad

Energy Quick Check
The Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg has financed a free Energy Quick Check for hospitals, rehabilitation facilities (each with up to 200 beds) and nursing homes in Baden-Württemberg. This was carried out by the Chair of Facility Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Contact: Institute Management