OPIK - Open Benchmarking Round

The largest benchmarking network for secondary processes in public hospitals in Germany

The OPIK - open benchmarking round is a university-led benchmarking pool aimed at technical managers of public hospitals in German-speaking countries. With about 20 hospitals and 40 responsible persons from the company as members, the Benchmarking Round Table is not only a contact point for pure data comparison, but also opens up professional exchange and the formation of networks for the participants. Two full-day workshops a year offer the opportunity to discuss the special needs of the health care system, to make contacts and to visit exciting new and existing projects in the premises of a host hospital.

The data for our workshops are collected centrally via the project homepage www.opik.tmb.kit.edu and stored in a database hosted by KIT. Our reporting system is automated and delivers reports in several formats (PDF, HTML5 book, HTML presentation). The PDF files are created using the LATEX character set and contain publication-quality graphics. Our HTML5 books bring you the comfort of screen-optimized reading with variable font and size, modern navigation and interactive graphics. The creation of presentations from the same source files as the presentations ensures consistency with the report and provides the same interactive graphics as HTML5 publications. All reports can be reproduced on request and can be made anonymous for external communication.

The topics and contents of the workshops as well as the data queries are determined by the participants. Thus, as a member of the benchmarking round, you can obtain the figures you need to successfully optimize your operation.

Your contact point for benchmarking of facility services in hospitals: OPIK - the open benchmarking round


Up to 30% of the costs of a hospital are caused by secondary services, i.e. Facility Management (FM) services. Optimization can bring considerable savings potential here - without negatively influencing the primary processes of healing and care.

By comparing the FM processes of different hospitals, factors influencing costs can be identified and weak points revealed in order to define subsequent packages of measures for optimisation.


The aim of the benchmarking round is to compare key figures among the participants in order to identify potential savings and discuss "best practice".

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) designs and evaluates corresponding data collection forms. The results are openly discussed in workshops held every six months. One workshop per year is usually combined with a hospital visit of the participants.