About the Department of Digital Engineering and Construction (DEC):
The Department of Digital Engineering and Construction (DEC) at the Institute of Technology and Management in Construction (TMB) was commenced through the generous endowment fund provided by the renowned GOLDBECK GmbH, the largest family-owned construction company in Germany and the leader in lean, industrialized and prefabricated design and construction. In late 2020, as a part of a competitive international call for applications, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reza Maalek was selected as the first Chair of Digital Engineering and Construction at TMB. The role of the chair is to support research, development and teaching activities that span a wide spectrum of topics pertaining to full digitization, automation, and robotics to enhance the current state of construction engineering and management. We welcome you to search through our department’s website to find more information and educational content about our recent research projects, teaching activities as well as academic publications. Should there be any additional information required, please do not hesitate to contact, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reza Maalek via email: reza maalek ∂does-not-exist.kit edu.