Internationale Rückbautechniken und Managementmethoden für kerntechnische Anlagen – Eine wissenschaftliche Analyse des internationalen Standes der Technik (IRMKA)
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Technologie und Management des Rückbaus kerntechnischer Anlagen
Initial situation
- The decommissioning of nuclear facilities became a topic after the Federal Republic of Germany withdrew from nuclear energy; befor that, it was only a peripheral area. For this reason, there is no possibility worldwide to complete a special university course in this subject.
- In the next few years, irrespective of the nuclear phase-out, enormous demands will be placed on the dismantling of nucleare facilities. A sufficient number of excellently trained engineers for dismantling will be absolutely essential for the economy, but also in particular for the protection of the environment.
- In order to meet this growing demand, engineers must be specifically trained to deal with the problems described.
- The research project IRMKA is supported and financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.