Obligations of the Operator in KIT Building Management

Over the past four years, an applied research project in cooperation with the KIT Facility Management service unit headed by Mr. Reinhard Subbert has developed a process that ensures and documents the perception of building-related operator obligations in KIT building management.

What is special about this innovative approach is that, in accordance with the first point of the Trinity of Facility Management "people, place, process" (ISO 41011, 2018), the focus is on the people who ensure that the facilities and buildings comply with the operator's obligations. The evulation process for the fulfilment of the operator's obligations is therefore not only to be understood as a "TÜV", but primarily as a "driving licence" with which the operative forces are enabled and trained within the framework of self-control to directly recognise fulfilment deficiencies and to adapt their work processes accordingly. With the help of this deliberately simple - but decisive - approach, the orientation towards operator obligations is culturally anchored directly at the operational level. The process was validated in a feasibility study.


The process depicted can definitely be digitized and will benefit greatly from the progressive networking of the buildings. With the integration of maintenance and check lists as well as the completion messages on them, a fully automated evaluation - even with direct property reference - can be generated. In addition, more extensive evaluations, e.g. with regard to adherence to deadlines, are possible.

BGM am KIT 2018
BGM at KIT 2018
Meilenstein in der Wahrnehmung der Betreiberverantwortung
Milestone in the perception of the operator's responsibility


For the future it is recommended to implement digitisation in a CAFM environment. In accordance with a model-based BIM approach, the property-related operator obligations should be stored as information with the individual components. The query and evaluation mechanism would have to be connected accordingly. The value creation potential for this business model is not to be sneezed at, considering the words of Bill Gates: "The software world is a 'the winner takes it all' business". (Mansholt, 2019)

We're very excited about the research assignments that are coming up...